Lisbon, Portugal, Airport Terminal, Exterior Drop off Area, Heavy Traffic, Voices
Sound Ideas
Lisbon, Portugal, Airport Terminal, Interior Arrival Area, Heavy Ambience
Lisbon, Portugal, Bus Station, Exterior Platform Ambience, Buses Idle and Pull Away, Light Voices
Lisbon, Portugal, Small Group of Children Playing Outdoors, Trails off Quickly
Lisbon, Portugal, Large Church, Interior Crowd Entering, Heavy Activity, Bells Tolling
Lisbon, Portugal, City Ambience, Light Traffic, Pedestrians, Wind Through Trees, Birds
Lisbon, Portugal, City Ambience, Heavy Traffic, Light Pedestrians
Lisbon, Portugal, Outdoor Pedestrian Crowd, Footsteps, Voices, City Background
Lisbon, Portugal, Outdoor Crowd, Heavy Ambience, Stationary