Sound of the Sea and Theta 2 Binaural Beats - Background Sounds for Learning - Higher Concentration, Creativity, Against Tiredness
Torsten Abrolat
Babbling Brook and Theta 2 Binaural Beats for Intense Learning - Increasing Memory, Concentration, High Learning Ability, Studying
Background Music 1 and Theta 2 Binaural Beats - Better Learning and Increased Memory, Higher Concentration, Not Falling Asleep
Background Music 2 and Theta 2 Binaural Beats - Better Learning and Memory, Higher Concentration, High Creativity
Background Sound Theta 2 Binaural Beats - Better Learning and Memory, Higher Concentration, Not Falling Asleep, Studying
Smartphone: Sound of the Sea and Theta 2 Binaural Beats - Background Sounds for Studying - Higher Concentration, Creativity, Against Tiredness
Smartphone: Babbling Brook and Theta 2 Binaural Beats for Intense Learning - Increasing Memory, Concentration, High Learning Ability
Sound of the Sea and Alpha Binaural Beats - Background Sounds for Simplified Learning - High Learning Ability, Increasing Memory
Babbling Brook and Alpha Binaural Beats Background Sounds for Learning - Increasing Memory, Longer Concentration, High Learning Ability
Background Music 1 and Alpha Binaural Beats Background Sounds for the Workplace - Better Learning and Memory, Higher Concentration, Increasing Memory, Against Tiredness
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