The Excursions of Mr. Brouček to the Moon and into the 15th Century. Opera in 2 Parts, ., Act I: "We Must Remember Well This Newly Found Short-Cut!" (Matěj Brouček, domácí pán, Würfl, hostinský na Vikárce - Čaroskvoucí - Konšel)
Václav Neumann
Karel Berman
Prague National Theatre Orchestra
Bohumir Vich
Vladivoj Jankovsky
Smetana Theatre Chorus
Леош Яначек
The Excursions of Mr. Brouček to the Moon and into the 15th Century. Opera in 2 Parts, ., Act I: "Hear Ye, Knights of God - the Day of the Lord Begins!" (Matěj Brouček, domácí pán, Sakristán u sv. Víta - Lunobor - Domšík od Zvonu, Würfl, hostinský na Vikárce - Čaroskvoucí - Konšel)
Premysl Koci
The Excursions of Mr. Brouček to the Moon and into the 15th Century. Opera in 2 Parts, ., Act II: "Introduction - If I Weren´t Sitting Here" (Matěj Brouček, domácí pán, Sakristán u sv. Víta - Lunobor - Domšík od Zvonu)
Der Zigeunerbaron, .: Duetto
Czech Radio Chorus
Beno Blachut
Prague Radio Orchestra
Milada Šubrtová
Vlastislav Antonín Vipler
Il Trovatore, ., Act IV: "Proč mám se bát" (Leonora, Manrico)
Drahomíra Tikalová
Prague Smetana Theatre Orchestra
Rudolf Vašata
Джузеппе Верди
The Jacobin, ., Act II: "Buď zdráv"
Jaroslav Vogel
Prague Smetana Theatre Orchestra, Jaroslav Vogel, Vladivoj Jankovský, Jan Kühn
Антонин Дворжак
The Excursions of Mr. Brouček to the Moon and into the 15th Century. Opera in 2 Parts, ., Act I: "There Were Deep Undergreound Passages" (Matěj Brouček, domácí pán, Würfl, hostinský na Vikárce - Čaroskvoucí - Konšel)
The Bartered Bride, ., Act III, Scene 10: "Save Yourselves! The Bear Has Got Loose!"
Prague National Theatre Chorus
Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Jaroslav Vogel, Vladivoj Jankovský, Boys
Бедржих Сметана
The Bartered Bride, ., Act I, Scene 5: "Finale - Polka and Chorus - Come On, Girl, Let´s Be Merry ..."
Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Jaroslav Vogel, Vladivoj Jankovský
The Bartered Bride: Act III, Scene 10, "Save yourselves! The bear has got loose!"