Moonlight & Roses (Live)
The New Iberia Stompers
Kid Thomas
Louis Nelson
Algiers Strut (Live)
Silver Bells (Live)
Ice Cream
Ernest "Punch" Miller
Joe Robichaux
Emanuel Sayles
John Joseph
Joe Watkins
The Bells of St Marys (Live)
When the Saints Go Marching In
Joe Butler
Alonzo Stewart
Charlie Hamilton
Polo Barnes
Home Sweet Home (Live)
I'm Confessin' (Live)
Celito Lindo (Live)
Over the Waves (Lara's Theme) (Live)
At the Emporium of Jazz 1969
Kid Thomas Valentine
Harry Shields
Emanuel Paul
Butch Thompson
Joseph 'Twat' Butler
George Lewis in Japan, Vol. 1
Kid Thomas Party
Eugene Boyd
Pete Deuchar
Sammy Penn
Billie & Dede Pierce 1967
Chester Zardis
Cie Frasier
Billie Pierce
Dede Pierce
New Orleans All Stars Concert, Vol. 1
George Lewis
Joseph Butler
Johnny Wiggs
Kid Thomas Valentine's Creole Jazz Band
Joe James
George Gusnon
Alcide pavageau
65th Birthday Session in Japan
"Kid" Thomas Valentine
Placide Adams
Barry Martyn's Legends of Jazz
Andrew Blakeney
Alton Purnell
Ed Garland
Barry Martyn
Louis Nelson Big Four, Vol. 2
Percy Humphrey's Hot Six
Albert Burbank
Lars Edegran
Percy Humphrey
Peter Bocage at San Jacinto Hall
Josiah "Cie" Frazier
Peter Bocage
Live In Denmark, Vol. 4
Kid Thomas & Louis Nelson
Louis Nelson 1967
Dan Pawson
Martyn's Eagle Brass Band
In the Tradition
Jeanette Kimball
Frank Fields
Sammy Rimington
Wendell Brunious
Louis Nelson Big Four, Vol. 1
George Lewis at Castle Farm 1964
Dave Oxley
Jack Willis
Kid Thomas Band 1957 "Dancing Tonight"
Burke Stevenson
1978/79 on Tour with the White Eagle Jazz Band of Berlin
Raimer Losch
Peter Müller
Bob Culverhouse
Live In Denmark, Vol.1
George Lewis in Japan, Vol. 2
Live In Denmark, Vol. 3
Percy Humphrey and the New Orleans Joymakers
Orange Kellin
Louis Barbarin
"Father Al" Lewis
The Sheik of Araby
Clarence Ford
Les Muscutt
Stewart Davis
Chester Jones
Kid Thomas & Louis Nelson Live at the 100 Club
George Lewis and Louis Nelson with Barry Martyn's Band 1966
Cuff Billett
Graham Paterson
Brian Turnock
Barry Martyn's Band
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иностранная авторская песня
Billie Holiday
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Ella Fitzgerald
Bunk Johnson
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Glenn Miller
Frank Muschalle
Nat King Cole