мировая классика
The Little Consort, Suite No. 6 in F Major: II. Courante
Tripla Concordia
Мэтью Локк
The Little Consort, Suite No. 6 in F Major: IV. Saraband
The Little Consort, Suite No. 6 in F Major: III. Ayre
Duos for Two Bass Viols in D Minor-Major: I. Fantazie (Version for Two Recorders)
Lorenzo Cavasanti
Giulio Capocaccia
The Broken Consort I, Suite No. 2 in G Major: II. Courante
The Broken Consort I, Suite No. 2 in G Major: I. Fantazie
The Broken Consort I, Suite No. 2 in G Major: III. Ayre
The Broken Consort I, Suite No. 2 in G Major: IV. Saraband
The Little Consort, Suite No. 6 in F Major: I. Pavan
The Broken Consort No. 6: II. Courant
Richard O. Burdick
Complete Keyboard Works
Terence Charlston
Matthew Locke: Seven Suites
The Locke Consort
The Flat Consort, Suite No. 1 in C Minor: IV. Saraband
Silas Wollston
David Miller
Les Eléments
Jordi Savall
Антонио Вивальди
Thou Knowest Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts (Funeral Music from 16th and 17th Century England)
The Choir of Christ's College
Орландо Гиббонс
Генри Пёрселл
Restauration Harpsichord Music
Richard Egarr
Handel, Purcell & Locke: Music from the English Courts
Fine Arts Brass Ensemble
Георг Фридрих Гендель
Джон Доуленд
The World of Purcell
Music for Troubled Times: The English Civil War & Siege of York
The Ebor Singers
Paul Gameson
Уильям Бёрд
Magic Night - Purcell Händel Locke
Johannes Reichert
Sigrun Stephan
Andreas Nachtsheim
Purcell / Locke / Blow / Gibbons - Wigmore Hall Live
The English Concert
Rosemay Joshua
Sarah Connolly
The Curtain: Purcell & Locke
Joan B. Boïls
La Dispersione
Musik für Seiner Majestät Trompeter und Posaunisten
Leipziger Blechbläsersolisten
Johann Sebastian Bach
Тильман Сузато
Энтони Холборн
Ensemble Oriol Berlin
Radovan Vlatkovic
Neil Jenkins
Ensemble Oriol Berlin, Sebastian Gottschick, Neil Jenkins, Radovan Vlatkovic
Sebastian Gottschick
Бенджамин Бриттен
Чарлз Айвз
The Musical Life of Samuel Pepys
Джакомо Кариссими
Richard Wistreich
Francesco Corbetta
Henry Lawes
John Jenkins
John Blow
Purcell, Blow, Locke & Humfrey: Chapel Royal Anthems
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Steve Reich
современная классика
опера и вокал
к празднику
Кристоф Виллибальд Глюк
шедевры мировой классики
Philippe Jaroussky
London Symphony Orchestra