мировая классика
Leontovych: Carol Of The Bells
St Paul's Cathedral Choir
Andrew Carwood
Palestrina: Crucem sanctam subiit
The Cardinall's Musick
Джованни Пьерлуиджи да Палестрина
Berlioz: L'Enfance du Christ, Op.25 - English Version - The Shepherd's Farewell
Simon Johnson
Гектор Берлиоз
Palestrina: Et respicientes (2)
Palestrina: Victimae paschali laudes a8
Palestrina: Haec dies a6
Palestrina: Et respicientes (1)
Palestrina: Magnificat tertii toni a6
Des Prez: O Virgo virginum à 6
Robert Harre-Jones
Charles Daniels
Angus Smith
Don Greig
Robert Macdonald
Жоскен Депре
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei, Z. 135
Michael McCarthy
Laurence Cummings
Генри Пёрселл
Carols With St. Paul's Cathedral Choir
Palestrina: Stabat Mater; Magnificat tertii toni
Janá?ek: The Lord’s Prayer, Choral and Organ Music
Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Stephen Darlington
Clive Driskill-Smith
Victoria Davies
Aline Nassif
Byrd: Cantiones Sacrae 1575
David Skinner
Byrd: Early Latin Church Music; Propers for Epiphany
Lassus: Missa Surge propera; Magnificat quarti toni
Byrd: Early Latin Church Music; Propers for Lady Mass in Advent
Byrd: Music for Holy Week and Easter
Fayrfax: Miss Albanus; O Maria Deo grata; Eterne laudis lilium etc
Cornysh, Turges, Prentes: Latin Church Music
Merbecke: Missa Per arma iustitie etc.
Byrd:Cantiones sacrae 1589; Propers for Lady Mass from Christmas to the Purification
Fayrfax: Missa Tecum principium; Maria plena virtute etc
The Frideswide Consort
Fayrfax: Missa O quam glorifica; Ave Dei patris filia
Byrd: Cantiones sacrae 1589; Propers for the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Headington: Piano Concerto; Serenade; The Healing Fountain
Gordon Fergus-Thompson
Alexander Baillie
Britten Sinfonia
Nicholas Cleobury
Byrd: Early Latin Church Music; Propers for the Nativity
Jubilate - 500 Years Of Cathedral Music
Cathedral Choristers of Britain
Aled Jones
Purcell: Full Anthems / Music On the Death of Queen Mary
Oxford Camerata
Jeremy Summerly
Music at All Soul's, Oxford
Fayrfax: The Masses
Fayrfax: Missa Regali ex progenie; Lauda vivi Alpha et O; Magnificat Regali
Harris: Faire Is The Heaven - Sacred Music
The Exon Singers
Victoria: Missa Gaudeamus; Missa Pro Victoria; Motets
Byrd: The Masses
The Sixteen
к празднику
Harry Christophers
Anthony Rolfe Johnson
опера и вокал
Chapelle du Roi
Capilla Flamenca
Luciano Pavarotti
шедевры мировой классики
Henryk Szeryng
современная классика