мировая классика
Ave Verum
Armonico Consort
Christopher Monks
Уильям Бёрд
My Ladye Nevels Grownde
Антон Батагов
La Volta
Christian Zimmermann
Janette Floël
Miserere mei, Deus
Fifteen Variations on "John come kisse me now"
Matthew Bengtson
Marc Reift
The London Wind Orchestra
Kyrie (from the Mass for four voices)
Fantasia No. 52 in A Minor
Anne Page
And Think Ye Nymphs
The Queen's Six
Tudor Anthems and Motets
Timothy Brown
The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge
Byrd: Cantiones Sacrae(1591)
Choir of New College Oxford
Byrd: Mass for Five Voices
David Willcocks
Choir Of King's College
Cantiones Sacrae (1575)
Batailles à Versailles
Jean-Patrice Brosse
Byrd: For My Ladye Nevell
Terence Charlston
Anthologie de la musique de clavecin. L'école anglaise
Ruggero Gerlin
As It Fell on a Holie Eve - Music for an Elizabethan Christmas
Julianne Baird
Parthenia / A Consort of Viols
Hochrenaissance: Serie M. Die elisabethanische Epoche
Fritz Neumeyer
O Magnum Mysterium - O Great Mystery
Nicholas White
Tiffany Consort
Gradualia (1607)
Robert Quinney
Michael Noone
Ensemble Plus Ultra
English Organ Music
Thurston Dart
Byrd: Motets
Michael Howard
The Renaissance Singers
Trésors de la musique sacrée
Ensemble vocal da Camera
Jean-Luc Ho
Lyrik und Musik aus der Zeit des Barock
Maria Becker
Byrd: Cantiones Sacrae 1589
The Golden Age of European Polyphony
Laudantes Consort
Guy Janssens
Гийом де Машо
Джованни Пьерлуиджи да Палестрина
A Harpsichord Performance: Byrd, Handel, Rameau & Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach
Георг Фридрих Гендель
Жан-Филипп Рамо
Michael Howard: A Choral Pioneer. Historic Recordings from Ely and Arundel Cathedrals.
Оливье Мессиан
Орландо Гиббонс
Томас Луис де Виктория
Lawes: New Old Albion
Il Caleidoscopio Ensemble
Джон Доуленд
Her Heavenly Harmony: Profane Music From the Royal Court
Томас Таллис
In Cambridge
Cantabile - The London Quartet
Фридерик Шопен
Flying High!
Brass Connection
Brass Connection & Andreas Spörri
Модест Петрович Мусоргский
Иоганн Пахельбель
As Our Sweets Cords with Discords Mixed Be: English Renaissance Consort Music
Энтони Холборн
Recorder Quartet: Early Italian Recorder Music & English Consort Music
Flanders' Recorder Quartet "Vier op'n Rij"
Paul van Loey
Joris Van Goethem
Bart Spanhove
Джованни Габриели
A Baroque Recital of 16th Century Music from Italy, France & England
Diego Ortiz
Francis Cutting
Joan Ambrosio Dalza
Giles Farnaby
Adrian Le Roy
Marchetto Cara
Ceremony and Devotion - Music for the Tudors
Harry Christophers
The Sixteen
Mad Dog
Hopkinson Smith
The Canterbury Voice
The Choir of Canterbury Cathedral
Ральф Воан-Уильямс
Бенджамин Бриттен
Эдуард Элгар
The Virtuoso Organist: Tudor & Jacobean Masterworks
Stephen Farr
John Bull
Music for Troubled Times: The English Civil War & Siege of York
The Ebor Singers
Paul Gameson
Мэтью Локк
Byrd / Britten
Choir of Jesus College, Cambridge
Joanna MacGregor
Дьёрдь Лигети
Musik für Seiner Majestät Trompeter und Posaunisten
Leipziger Blechbläsersolisten
Тильман Сузато
Tudor City
Andrew Smith
Christopher Tye
John Dunstable
William Cornysh
John Taverner
New York Polyphony
Music of the Realm: Tudor Music for Men's Voices
Elizabeth's Lutes
Alex McCartney
Орландо ди Лассо
A Golden Treasury of Renaissance Music on Original Instruments
Барбара Строцци
Гийом Дюфаи
Жоскен Депре
Alessandro Piccinini
Henry VIII
Adrian Willaert
Claude Gervaise
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
Richard Pinel
Михаэль Преториус
Густав Холст
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шедевры мировой классики
Джезуальдо да Веноза
Клаудио Монтеверди
опера и вокал
Генрих Шютц
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